Diagon Alley

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to the Tour of Diagon Alley. Diagon Alley is the best and only place for wizard shopping in London. I am your tour guide Nikhil. Please climb aboard the Bluebottles and we will be on our way.
Diagon Alley is accessible only through the Leaky Cauldron which is a nice place, leave for Tom who seems a bit wierd. You enter by tapping the bricks in subsequent order. Diagon Alley is a small, crooked street full of shops.
Here is a short description of them in case you feel like visiting.

     Gringotts Bank -

The place to exchange, withdraw or deposit money

     Ollivander's Wands -

(since 382 B.C.)The best wand maker in England. Renowned for his quality.

     Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasion -

Robes for all Occasions

     Flourish and Blotts -

Book Store

     Apothecary -

Potion-Making equipment

     Eeylops Owl Emporium -

Owl Shop

     Pet Shop -

pet store and animal medicines

     Quality Quidditch Supplies -

Quidditch brooms and equipment

     Florean Fortescues Ice - Cream Parlour -

Ice cream parlour

get this gear!