Welcome to Gringotts
Hello I am Griphook the Goblin and today you are here for a visit around Gringotts. Gringotts bank is run and managed entirely by goblins. It is one of the safest places in the world. Here underground passages lead people to their vaults. I would advise that people with High-Blood pressure, car sickness, heart patients and pregnant women not travel in them. We also have High Security vaults for High Security obects like the once existing Philosophers stone. Please note that an yearly payment of 50 Galleons is rent for a vault while it is 100 Galleons for a High Security vaults. If you would like to make an account our sales representative will drop by your house. Please do not ever lose your key as it is needed to open your vault.
That concludes our tour. Back to Diagon Alley.